SEO for online stores – practical example & short guide Avatar photo Ovidiu Selejan , 8 months ago SEO for online stores – practical example & short guide Updated on: January 7, 2024 Summary 1 What should you consider when optimizing SEO for online stores? 2 How do we approach the SEO strategy for online stores? 3 How do you prioritize the pages you will optimize? 4 Choosing keywords for categories and product pages 5 Optimizing categories in SEO strategy for online stores 6
SEO Best Practices for Optimizing Category Content 7 Optimizing subcategories Belgium WhatsApp Number Data in the SEO strategy for online stores 8 Product optimization in SEO strategy for online stores 9 SEO Best Practices for Optimizing the Content of Product Pages 10 Internal Links 11 How do I find out the number of words on each page of a website? 12 Conclusions What should you consider when optimizing SEO for online stores? Prioritizing the pages you will optimize; Choosing keywords for categories and product pages; Optimization of all categories ; Optimization of the main subcategories ;
Optimizing the content of the main product pages ;; How do we approach the SEO strategy for online stores? Today's article is based on an unusual structure. In order to present the steps that need to be taken in the most logical and easy to understand way, we have opted for a real example of an SEO strategy for online stores. Starting from what needs to be implemented, I later extrapolated the theoretical recommendations that form the basis of a project of this type. This way it will be much easier for you to make the correlations between the generic recommendations and the practical examples.